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AMK-valintakokeen esimerkkitehtävät, englannin kieli

Part A

Read the text and then answer the questions (A1 and A2) concerning the bolded expressions as instructed. Each question includes just one correct alternative. Excluded text is indicated by a set of square brackets with three dots placed between them [...].

If forecasts become true, more and more service and other robots will enter our daily lives as assistants or companions. Present day service robots still show limited (social) intelligence and interaction abilities. […]

[…] Higher-level cognitive and social skills can be simulated, and results can be gained from HRI (Human-Robot Interaction) studies that can then further direct the development of controllers that might implement these functions.

Question A1. Which of the following alternatives is closest to the term ‘forecast(s)’ in the text?

Question A2. Which of the following alternatives does not mean the same as the term ‘implement’ in the text?

Part B

Pick the best alternative for each gap (B1–B5) from the drop-down menu.

The participants that were inactive spent more days in hospital over the next ten years those who did at least some physical activity, for work or leisure. The results were similar ten years later when the same participants were 50–80 years old.

The study shows that for every inactive person started to take at least some exercise, the national health care system could save around 250€ annually. This would equate to 5% of the per capita health expenditure.

The findings of the study on a general population cohort study.

The study provides the clearest evidence yet small increases in physical activity substantially reduce the future hospital usage of older people.